
be: in love with wonder lust

i am beginning a new series called be which will put a spotlight on things in life that i strive to be. whether is that is a personality trait i wish to obtain or a person i wish to mimic in my life, this series of posts will hopefully inspire you to be the person you were made to be. also, it will be fun to see how many times i can use the word be in one post. count so far: 5
for me this statements is truer than true in my life. i do not have the opportunity to travel that often (i probably travel somewhere 'big' once a year, or every few years if your idea of a 'big' trip involves a plane ride), so for 358/365 days of the year i am wonder lusting. if you do not know what this term means, dictionary.com defines it as a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about. i am a strong believer in bucket lists (see mine here and here), and being in love with places, people, and other things that you are currently unfamiliar with. because, someday if you are really passionate about those goals, you will reach them and see your love met. for example, i am in love with Europe, though i have never been. i adore the beautiful french language, the fashion, the architecture, the food and pastries, and the idea of sipping a cup of tea with a friend in a local coffee shop. pure bliss, in my opinion. i cannot wait for the day when i can experience these dreams first hand, rather than through pictures on pinterest. i hope that day comes soon.
so, friends, be in love with travel. be in love with unfamilar things. be in love with wonder lust.
xo. cate 

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