
2015 | give.

hey hey hey 2015. i'm super into you already.

don't you like when people refer to a year as a person to sound insightful? me too. 

being as goal-oriented as i am, of course i am a lover of the ever cliche new years resolutions. i'll spare you the long explanations of each of these goals (you're welcome), so without further ado, here's my six (and a half) ambitions for the new year.

one. keep a journal
two. make time for the things that bring me joy/i want to succeed in (blogging, art, writing, photography, styling, etc.)
three. learn to live simply & without desire for perfection* (aka get rid of the unneeded- physical & personal)
four. do not let temporary situations rule my heart
five. lessen my dependence and attachment to social media.
six. allow Jesus to be the sole thing that fulfills me
 six & a half. maybe get bangs. let's just see how bold i can be. ;)

this year's word of the year is (drum roll please) give. i long for a world where others are our focus, and so that starts with what i can control: me. this past year i continually became aware that my focal point on a regular basis was myself: what benefits me, what i want to do, how i am affected by a situation, me, me, me, i, i, i. my desire is to be a giver-- a giver of grace, of love, and of myself for the sake of others. to fix my gaze on what really matters in life, that's the goal, my friends. everyone is always in the need for improvement (except you, taylor swift, except you.), so i am learning to not be afraid to admit where i have gone wrong, where i have failed, or where i need to grow in my own life. so, as for now, that is to forget about myself yet continue to boldly share my life openly. and have a dance party or three. those are necessary, too.

darling magazine  (my new favorite pass time) and their mission capture truly what i desire to be this year and every year. here's a peek:

2015, i expect great things from you, my friend.

(see i did it again. i'm sorry.)

yours truly,

*more on this later. excited to share with you my thoughts on perfection. 


  1. i just love how you chose "give" as your word of the year. how wonderful!
    happy new year! xx


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