
the color: emerald

The color: emerald green

The color: emerald green by catemarg featuring a green sleeveless dress

i have seen it just about everywhere, so i am pretty sure that the color for spring is emerald. i absolutely love this color and how it really brings a sense of unique elegance to an outfit. it is a color that is still very understated in an outfit, yet still makes a big statement. emerald is a great color for accessories, such as a satchel bag, nail polish, or statement necklace. however, i also love to wear it in clothes; this velvet dress and wool skirt are both so pretty and fashion forward. two items that normally would not be seen in the color, emerald, are these awesome lace up booties and eye makeup pallet. if you decide to buy emerald shoes, i would not spend a lot of money on them since it is just a trend that may not last forever. i have been seeing emerald eye makeup everywhereeeeee... while it seems strange to put green on your eyes, i have come to find out that if you do it in a subtle way it can be very pretty (especially if you have greens eyes, wink wink).

hope you are liking "the color" series as much as i am, and enjoy learning along with me about new trendy colors of the moment.

xo. cate 

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